๐๏ธ Language
There are two available flavours of Javascript in create-discord-bot; Javascript and Typescript.
๐๏ธ Tooling
Tools like ESLint and Prettier come as an option with create-discord-bot. These tools can aid your development experience greatly by catching some bugs before production and formatting your code to make it more readable.
๐๏ธ Deployment
Deployment/registering commands is, in layman's terms, publishing your commands over to Discord's servers. Deploying commands is required; if not done, any metadata about the command, such as command name, description, options, etcetera, will not update, nor will new commands appear.
๐๏ธ Logging
Logging events, errors, and info is a necessary thing to be able to create better functioning and more easily understandable code; that's why create-discord-bot includes options to integrate high-quality loggers into its ecosystem.